Highland Dance Problems

This is some highland dance problems...

Being called a Irish dancer because people can't understand the difference when they are actually completely different.
When you can't practice in Jig shoes because you are scared you may mark the floor.
When your jacket is too tight and you couldn't breath.
When you automatically stand in first position when you don't mean to.
Having to base you haircut on if you can get it into a bun or not.
Finding bobby pins everywhere for weeks including in your hair after competitions or shows.
Leaving a competitions and still hearing the bagpipes ringing in your head afterwards for the rest of the day.
Travelling for competitions.
Going through loads of hairspray to keep your hair in place.
Criss-crosses across your feet from you pumps.
Taking your hair out after a competition when before it was molded to your head.
Kicking the Swords.
Cancelled dance classes so you can't practice.
Inconsistent speed of bagpipes.
Dancing besides a champion like 'Daniel Carr'
Having a step stuck in your head and then randomly doing it.
When your shoes randomly untie during a dance and come undone.
You have a love hate relationship with bagpipes.
I chose these ones because I can relate to them. I changed the wording a bit but I got all of them off of. Click the image the below to go to the page I got them off of...

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